‘RadioCreativity’ exhibition’s opening night gathered a big number of international guests. The exhibition was very well received by both art world professionals and art enthusiast. See photo album from the opening night
The exhibition was curated by prof. dr hab. Jan Wiktor Sienkiewicz and Mateusz Kozieradzki and it runs until 22 October at CAC (Torun)
Together with Wojciech Antoni Sobczynski, I worked on the piece called ‘RadioCreative’ that would embody the spirit of creativity and artistic individuality. The result is a unique break from the convention of our usual creative process without compromising our ideas. In addition I have recorded videos that introduce us in the studio we share and show us working together. The film aims to get closer to the ideas that began and develop in our studio, inspirations and influences, the inside of the creative process as well as artistic collaboration. You can watch the film here.
Take a walk through the exhibition here ans see below pics from the exhibition display and to follow the links to TV and Press coverage click here>>
TV Torun http://www.toruntv.pl/movie/show?id=13511
Magazyn Szum http://magazynszum.pl/ndp/
Radio za granica http://radiozagranica.pl/8/82/Artykul/324454,Sztuka-w-poczekalni-%E2%80%93-czyli-polska-sztuka-na-emigracji
Expres Bydgoski http://www.expressbydgoski.pl/
O.pl http://news.o.pl/2017/09/04/